1.Civillaw systems are based mainly on statutes;common law is made up mainly by lots of previous binding cases.主要由成文法组成;主要由先前具有约束力的案例组成
2.The commonlaw system prevails in England,the US,and other countries colonizedgoverned by England.While civillaw system predominates in Europe and other countries once rules by France and Spain.普通法在英美流行,以及曾经的英殖民地;大陆法主要在欧洲家适用,主要是法和西班牙殖民地
3.commonlaw courts base their decisions on prior judicial cases,that means the judge has to follow the stare decisisrule,rather than legislative enactments.But civillaw system deals with a case by strictly following the statutory law.普通法通常遵循先例,大陆法系严格遵守成文法
4.Judge under civillaw system plays a rather significant role in trying a case;under a commonlaw system,the function of a judge is more negative ,disbutes are mainly settled by the arguments and evidence presented by the plaintiff and the defendant.法官的作用,大陆法系法官具有重大影响;普通法法官的作用消极,主要是被告与原告的争辩与证据呈现